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Creating Safer Schools

We are constantly reminded that violence and cruelty take place in schools more often than we can keep track of. School shootings, bullying, violence, and unsafe situations can happen in any school and in any neighborhood. One child in four is bullied at school and one in five admits to bullying someone else. In schools where fear and anxiety are the norm, students cannot learn and achieve, but even more critically, they can be in danger. 

The goal of this course is to create a school-wide climate in which all students feel safe. Participants will gain an understanding of important danger-signs, learn valuable conflict resolution strategies and the correct ways to implement these strategies, and will discover the necessary tools for creating a safe learning environment. 


Carlow University ED 698 • Mercy University EDUT 515

The required text for this course is Can We ensure Safe Schools? A Collaborative Guide on Focused Strategies for School Safety edited by Fern Aefsky.

Graduate participants earn 3 semester hours of graduate credit and will receive a transcript from one of our partner institutions below. Professional development participants will receive a certificate of completion for 45 hours of professional developments credit for face-to-face classes and 60 hours of professional development credit for online classes.

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Course Schedule

  • 2/13/24 - 5/14/24
  • 4/9/24 - 7/9/24
  • 6/11/24 - 9/10/24
  • 8/13/24 - 11/12/24
  • 10/8/24 - 1/14/25
  • 12/10/24 - 3/11/25

Course Schedule


1/3-5 & 1/10-12

Millie Rivera



  • Introduction Assignment

Module 1: Overview of Violence Prevention and Conflict Resolution


  • Define violence
  • Recognize the escalation of violence in today’s schools.
  • Begin to develop a working definition of bullying.
  • Recognize the danger of gangs in our schools.
  • Evaluate the importance of conflict resolution in school.

Module 2: Identifying Different Types of Bullying Behavior


  • Identify characteristics, traits and behaviors of of bullies
  • Explore the negative consequences of bullying and teasing
  • Identify the difference between bullying and teasing
  • Distinguish who bullies are, what makes them tick and what their needs include

Module 3: Victims and the Audience


  • Identify characteristics, traits and behaviors of victims
  • Identify the different types of victims
  • Define and understand the nature of collusion and its relationship in the bullying cycle

Module 4: Empowering Children - Strategies for Parents and Teachers


  • Research the reasons some children bully
  • Discover the behaviors that are present when your child is being bullied
  • Define strategies to use when you find your child is the bully
  • Explore strategies to support students that are being more than a bystander
  • Learn strategies to help children reduce a bully’s power

Module 5: Cyberbullying


  1. Discuss how generational differences in perceptions about the uses of the internet contribute to the problem of cyberbullying
  2. Explain the definition of cyberbullying
  3. Evaluate online platforms where cyberbullying can occur
  4. Identify the long term negative effects that cyberbullying can have on students and their families

Module 6: Cyberbullying - Prevention


  • Appraise why children are reluctant to report cyberbullying and steps to encourage reporting in schools
  • Identify the steps to empower parents to become active in cyberbullying prevention efforts
  • Identify steps educators can take to prevent cyberbullying in their classrooms and schools
  • Recognize how to intervene effectively when cyberbullying is reported

Module 7: Identifying Gangs in Our Schools


  • Explain the definition for Gangs
  • Explore the reasons that kids join gangs
  • Identify the indicators and risk factors for the formation of gangs

Module 8: Gangs in Our Schools- Intervention and Prevention


  • Discover the variety of gangs and their presence in the United States
  • Inspect gang symbols
  • Illustrate intervention and prevention strategies for schools
  • Construct tips for parents to deal with gang situations

Module 9: Conflict Resolution


  • Compare cooperation and conflict resolution
  • Employ the principles of cooperative learning
  • Recognize the value of using perspective talking in resolving conflict
  • Introduction to conflict resolution and classroom management/discipline
  • Developing effective “I” Messages and Win-Win Strategies
  • Defining the Role of Perception

Module 10: Bringing it all Together


  • Formulate a plan for intervention and prevention within your school or community
  • Construct handouts with knowledge about bullying and gangs to promote prevention
  • Identify the current types of violence in the US today
  • Identify various types of bullying, including cyberbullying
  • Develop awareness of the consequences of bullying on the victim
  • Review research findings relating to the causes and effects of bullying
  • Discuss the bullying cycle and how it can be addressed
  • Learn and apply effective strategies for preventing and eliminating bullying both in their classrooms and their schools.
  • Evaluate online platforms where cyberbullying can occur
  • Identify the long term negative effects that cyberbullying can have on students and their families
  • Identify the primary signs of gangs and gang related violence
  • Determine the reasons that children join gangs
  • Evaluate gang symbols and presence in the US
  • Create tips for parents and schools for dealing with gang situations
  • Employ the principles of cooperative learning
  • Identify and discuss strategies to create safer schools through conflict resolution
Partner Universities

Our Partners are well-established regionally and nationally accredited colleges and universities, recognized for academic excellence and their commitment to teachers.

Important Information

Online 3-graduate credit courses are 13 weeks in length.

On-site weekend courses are held Friday evening from 6:00pm-9:00pm and Saturday/Sunday, 8:30am-5:30pm.

Weekday courses are Monday-Friday from 8:00am- 6:00pm.

It is the responsibility of the student to check with their state, county, district, or school to ensure that all requirements are being met by the course you're taking.  

Check the Partner Universities page for specific university information as well as course numbers which are specific to the university partner. 

Students are required to purchase their own textbook, the information for which can be found here. If no book is required it will be specified on the list. We have copies of many of the textbooks should you wish to purchase directly from TEI. 

Professional development (PD) participants receive a certificate of completion from TEI for 45 hours of PD credit for face to face classes and 60 hours of PD credit for online classes. These certificates are mailed within one week of the end of the class and reflect the course title, dates of attendance, and credit hour information. 

Student Academic Integrity
Participants guarantee that all academic class work is original. Any academic dishonesty or plagiarism (to take ideas, writings, etc. from another and offer them as one's own), is a violation of student academic behavior standards as outlined by our partnering colleges and universities and is subject to academic disciplinary action.