Teacher Education Institute
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Study Strategies for School Success

Participants will gain an understanding of widely-tested educational theories regarding the relationship between teaching efficient strategies and the impact this can have upon student learning. The importance of this course is underscored by the results of extensive research done over the past thirty years, which indicates that students who effectively utilize learning strategies in the classroom are better able to learn and retain information. As students develop learning efficiency, they will also develop a better attitude toward school and a greater belief in their ability to succeed. Though teachers must teach the information required by the school curriculum, they are also acutely aware of a need to teach strategies for long-term learning, and that is up to the teachers themselves to fulfill. This course is designed to make that goal more achievable. 


Carlow University ED 617 • Madonna University EDU 5960.19 • Mercy University  EDUT 548

The required text for this course is Classroom Instruction that Works: Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement, Second Edition, by Ceri B. Dean, et al.

ISBN: 9781416613626



Graduate participants earn 3 semester hours of graduate credit and will receive a transcript from one of our partner institutions below. Professional development participants will receive a certificate of completion for 45 hours of professional developments credit for face-to-face classes and 60 hours of professional development credit for online classes.

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Course Schedule

  • 2/13/24 - 5/14/24
  • 4/9/24 - 7/9/24
  • 6/11/24 - 9/10/24
  • 8/13/24 - 11/12/24
  • 10/8/24 - 1/14/25
  • 12/10/24 - 3/11/25

Course Schedule

Summer 2024

  • June 14-16 - June 21-23
  • Joan Goldsmith

Session 1: Introduction and Overview of the most current educational research regarding study strategies and their effects on student performance.


  • Course requirements, goals and expectations
  • Historical overview of learning theories
  • Definition of study strategies
  • Theoretical research of study strategies

Session 2: Strategies for efficient organization and time management.


  • The rationale for and benefits of student self-appraisals
  • Methods for efficient time management
  • Design a framework for long-term projects and research
  • Classroom Organization for Teachers

Session 3: Strategies to facilitate understanding of content textbooks.


  • Prerequisites for content reading
  • Research and theories for advance organizers
  • Best research-based strategies to promote comprehension of textbooks and supplemental materials

Session 4: Methods designed for explicit instruction of summarizing and note-taking for proficient analysis and synthesis.


  • Research results for the efficacy of summarizing and note-taking
  • Activities for variety of summarizing techniques
  • Introductionof note-taking strategies
  • Practical applications for a variety of note-taking styles

Session 5: Strategies to enhance recall of information based upon preferred learning styles.


  • Definition of learning modalities
  • Current research of learning styles
  • Exploration of memory devices
  • Practical application of strategies to enhance learning
  • Group project

Session 6: Incorporating instructional strategies into content teaching.


  • Research and theory on the value and practice of vocabulary instruction across the curriculum.
  • Instructional issues in the classroom
  • Practical methods of incorporating study strategies into content classes

Session 7: Test-taking strategies to enhance performance and lessen test anxiety.


  • Groupproject presentations
  • Test-taking strategies
    • Objective
    • Essay
    • Standardized test issues
  • Test related stress management

Session 8: Homework strategies for reinforcement of content skills.


  • Continuation of project presentations
  • Research and theory as to the benefits and pitfalls of homework
  • Analyzing classroom practices that best utilize homework to increase student learning

Session 9: Effective communication skills and cooperative learning instruction.


  • A profile of effective communication skills
  • Methods to encourage and enhance effective communication skills in students and teachers
  • Paradigm for cooperative learning instruction

Session 10: Issues and concerns within the educational setting.


  • Issues and concerns
  • Identification of resources
  • Course Evaluations
  • Final Exam
  • Review Course Content and Applications
  • Create questions to promote metacognition
  • Design and teach a lesson that incorporates the cues, questions and advance organizers
  • Utilize a variety of research-based metacognitive and cognitive strategies to enhance students’ reading efficiency for content
  • Apply the research and theories that validate the instruction of similarities and differences as a powerful strategy
  • Utilize various strategies that can be utilized to teach similarities and differences in the classroom
  • Design and teach from a lesson plan incorporating similarities and differences into the curriculum
  • Apply the results of research that validates the practice of strategic instruction of summarizing to your lessons
  • Utilize the variety of summarizing strategies in your teaching
  • Determine which of the many applications of this strategy are appropriate in various situations for your classes
  • Critique the effectiveness of your lesson plan incorporating similarities and differences
  • Apply various methods of note taking to increase students’ efficiency
  • Utilize a variety of graphic organizers to increase students’ learning capacity
  • Utilize research and theory in aiding the memory process
  • Incorporate recall questions into the note taking process
  • Apply various memory techniques available to increase students’ learning capacity
  • Utilize research-based theories of homework to increase the effect size gains for your students
  • Modify your curriculum to include strategies and time for your students to practice what you have taught
  • Match appropriate instructional strategies to specific types of knowledge
  • Design a unit lesson plan that follows the three phases using the strategies taught throughout this course
Partner Universities

Our Partners are well-established regionally and nationally accredited colleges and universities, recognized for academic excellence and their commitment to teachers.

Important Information

Online 3-graduate credit courses are 13 weeks in length.

On-site weekend courses are held Friday evening from 6:00pm-9:00pm and Saturday/Sunday, 8:30am-5:30pm.

Weekday courses are Monday-Friday from 8:00am- 6:00pm.

It is the responsibility of the student to check with their state, county, district, or school to ensure that all requirements are being met by the course you're taking.  

Check the Partner Universities page for specific university information as well as course numbers which are specific to the university partner. 

Students are required to purchase their own textbook, the information for which can be found here. If no book is required it will be specified on the list. We have copies of many of the textbooks should you wish to purchase directly from TEI. 

Professional development (PD) participants receive a certificate of completion from TEI for 45 hours of PD credit for face to face classes and 60 hours of PD credit for online classes. These certificates are mailed within one week of the end of the class and reflect the course title, dates of attendance, and credit hour information. 

Student Academic Integrity
Participants guarantee that all academic class work is original. Any academic dishonesty or plagiarism (to take ideas, writings, etc. from another and offer them as one's own), is a violation of student academic behavior standards as outlined by our partnering colleges and universities and is subject to academic disciplinary action.